Get him to call you and pick up the phone.

Are you sitting by your phone, waiting for it to ring, and hoping your guy answers?Do you ever get the impression that you are the only one who tries to talk to him?Does he occasionally appear to have no idea how to use a phone?Let's be open about this.Guys don't like phones as much as we do.They keep their messages succinct and to the point.So, how can you review make him want to talk to you more?

To begin, men enjoy a challenge.He won't call if you wait for him to call and whine about it every time he doesn't.He will be more interested in making the effort if you ensure that you are unavailable when he calls.Naturally, you can't begin this way if he doesn't call at all!Therefore, what do you do?He takes phone calls the same way.Try to keep your phone conversations to a minimum.Don't talk to him, don't chit chat, and don't go into too much detail with him. Just give him the information he needs.Afterward, hang up.He will likely initially be a little perplexed, but he will understand.You would rather not be on the telephone.which will make him desire to call.for you.

You can begin playing the game more aggressively at this point.You are free to miss a few of his calls, but you should not answer them.Avoid calling back.Don't answer the voicemails he leaves.Even if you really care about him, you shouldn't even LISTEN to his voicemails.Pretend you didn't even notice he called when he asks why you didn't call back.

He will call you frequently in this phone-based hard to get version.After that, you will be able to gradually resume having actual conversations and taking pleasure in the sound of each other's voices.It almost seems as though you have to show him how it feels for him to understand.However, keep in mind not to go overboard too quickly!It won't work if you play hard to get for a week and then wait for him to call for an hour right after you get him to call. Then you'll have to start over.

Keep in mind that a relationship includes more than datemyage just phones.Don't focus on it if you can't get him to completely stop using his phone.As long as the other aspects of your relationship are healthy and positive, it doesn't really matter.
