This model can greatly assist you in increasing your playfulness and reducing approach anxiety in the field.
There is a lot of pressure on any man when he approaches an attractive girl.You'll be a little nervous, no matter how much experience you have.
You've probably heard the saying, "courageous people review aren't devoid of fear; they just act in spite of fear," at some point.
When you read it, this makes sense, but think of all the times in your past when you were scared but still took action.You will probably recall that the fear abruptly gave way to a sense of exhilaration and aliveness as soon as you STARTED to take action.
Your mind is telling you to back off before you do anything.But as soon as you actually do something, your brain knows it's game time and gives your senses the energy they need to come up with the best possible response to the situation.
That is the reason they consider this the "survival" system.The same juice that alerts your senses can also get you into the game so you can win or get you out of there quickly.
Between "fighting" and "flighting," there is actually a huge range of possibilities.
This is true for seduction as well as for anything else that could go wrong.
However, there is a mental trick that can significantly reduce that anxiety.
NLP contends that we all possess these "parts."It is more of a model to assist us in resolving conflicts between these fictitious "parts," rather than a theory.
This can be useful while moving toward a young lady.Presently, don't go approaching her and begin discussing her different parts, simply expect they are there.
Imagine that she has four or five "parts" of various personas.One of those parts enjoys new and exciting experiences, being seduced, and making love.However, her other parts are more secure.The "older sisters," who believe it is their duty to shoot down any man who approaches.
Naturally, the "younger sisters" are frequently overwhelmed by her older sisters, who are more protective.
Your responsibility is to communicate with every woman's younger sister.That younger sister who longs for affection, seduction, and love.
Your job is to talk to her in a unique way that will make her want so much to stand up and ignore her elders.
In point of fact, you might imagine that you are the Knight who is about to rescue the plight of the younger sister who is being held captive by her elders.
Make the assumption that her younger sister is in there and that you must assist her in escaping when you approach break free of her imagined constraints and shackles.
Programming your subconscious to hold the characteristics of an datemyage alpha male on a deep level can be of great assistance.
You'll be able to talk to her with more ease and confidence as a result, saving her from certain death.
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