New and Unusual Behavior in Your Spouse
Have you noticed that your husband
or wife is treating you differently? Are you wondering what could be behind
these sudden changes? Are these sudden changes really signs of an affair?
Unfortunately, review affairs are one reason for a
sudden shift in the way your spouse relates to you.
Use the information in this article
to help you spot typical signs of an affair. Also, use this information to
determine if there is cause to confront your spouse concerning your suspicions.
It is important to be sure that he or she is actually having an affair before
making accusations. Needlessly attacking his or her character with an affair
accusation could inadvertently endanger the relationship.
Emotional Behavior to Examine
A cheating partner knows that they
are cheating on someone who does not deserve to be betrayed. Guilt does a funny
thing to the subconscious mind of a cheating spouse. His or her subconscious
mind sends signals to the rest of the brain. These subconscious signals tend to
make truly guilty people act in an obviously guilty manner. As a result, the
cheating wife DateMyAge or husband
will often display emotional behaviors that indicate that they are having an
Communication Breakdowns
A cheating spouse might begin to
avoid communicating with you. This sign of an affair is usually an effort to
keep you in the dark about his or her extramarital affair. Also, this sign is
meant to divert your attention from observing obvious signs of guilt in his or
her behavior. These are tactics used by a guilty spouse to keep his or her
guilt a secret.
Starting Arguments
One easy-to-spot sign of an affair
may be the fact that the cheating mate is frivolously starting arguments with
you. Guilt is making the cheating mate feel terrible about the way he or she is
two-timing you. However, the cheating spouse needs
a rationale to back up all of the duplicitous behavior of the affair.
Therefore, manufacturing a marriage problem can help the cheating husband or
wife feel justified in his or her deception toward you. This is relationship
sabotage that the cheating spouse engineers. It is an example of the old adage
of manipulation, "the best defense is a good offense."
Runaway Daydreaming
Another tell-tale emotional sign of
an affair is when you notice that your husband or wife suddenly starts to
engage in long periods of time daydreaming. A suspected cheating mate will have
a difficult time telling you what he or she was daydreaming about. The cheating
spouse is probably covering up his or her runaway thoughts about the new
How to Make Use of the Cheating
Spouse's Guilt
One effective tip is to put
strategic pressure on the cheating spouse. Make use of any guilt he or she may
be feeling. You can do this by looking for any opportunity to carry on a
conversation with him or her. If at all possible, make the conversations center
around how you would love to spend more time with him or her. Also, talking
about how you have always valued the honesty you have shared within your
marriage may make the guilt feelings rise up in him or her. Sometimes the guilt
feelings are so strong the cheating wife or husband will spontaneously confess
to having an affair.
Additional Signs of an Affair
Use the emotional signs of an
affair featured in this article to help you accurately determine if further
investigations are warranted into your suspected cheating husband or wife's
activities. Additionally, you might notice these signs of an affair coupled
with catching him or her deleting text messages and call histories. Also, if he
or she is spending unusual amounts of time away from you, then it could be
cause for concern. Or, you might actually find evidence left behind by the
cheating wife or husband's lover at your home or in your car.
A Good Opportunity to Confront a
Cheating Spouse
You may be able to prevent your
cheating spouse from having the opportunity to be away from you -- the time he
or she may have scheduled to cheat on you. You can do this by trying to set up
date nights with him or her.
The sign of an affair in this
particular case would be a show of reluctance to schedule time with you. This
is an attempt to try to get out of building the relationship together. This may
be the perfect time to confront him or her with questions about his or her odd
behavior changes. However, this is best executed when you have compiled a list
of all of the signs of an affair you have noticed. In this scenario, you have
put the suspected cheating spouse in a position that logically demands a
defense for his or her unusual behaviors.
Track and Uncover the True
Activities of Your Suspected Cheating Spouse
Lastly, you can seek resources that
will help you track and uncover the true activities of your suspected cheating
husband or wife. It is strategically advantageous to have factual evidence at
your disposal in order to effectively confront a suspected cheating spouse. As
such, you will have the authority of factual evidence to reinforce the
questions you will demand that he or she must answer.
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